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Elevator Traction Machine Series

Elevator Traction Machine

The gearless traction machine consists of a synchronous motor, a traction wheel and a braking system assembled by means of an encoder to achieve closed-loop control and frequency-controlled operation.

Compared to traditional products, the traction machine has the advantages of high efficiency coefficient, high efficiency, low starting current, high starting torque and smooth and comfortable operation; small size and light weight due to the use of rare earth materials; gearless, low noise and high reliability.


Eliminates traditional server rooms

Reduced power consumption

Faster than hydraulic systems

Cheaper than geared traction systems

Can accommodate front/rear openings

What is a traction lift?

Traction lifts are the most common type of lift and can be geared or gearless. Both geared and non-geared traction lifts are driven by either an alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC) motor.

In a geared lift, a worm gear is used to control the mechanical movement of the car. This is done by rolling a steel hoist rope over the drive pulley. Machines with gears can reach speeds of up to 500 feet per minute. Gearless traction lifts have a drive pulley connected directly to the end of the motor and can reach speeds of up to 2,000 feet per minute.

What is a 'gearless' traction lift?

Since the first safe passenger lifts were introduced in the 1800s, there have only been two types of lift that have taken off. One is the hydraulic lift, which uses a hydraulic piston system to lift the cab. The other is the classic traction lift, which works on a pulley and counterweight system and requires a machine.

The different types of machines used for traction lifts can also be divided into two categories, those with gears and those without. Although traction lifts are highly complex systems, the difference between these two machine types is fairly simple.

How do gearless machines work?

Before delving into the workings of gearless machines, it is vital to understand traction lifts in general.

Although they did not become a common form of vertical transport until the early 1900s, the concept of traction lifts has been around for a long time. The first lift concept with a system of weights and pulleys dates back to Archimedes in ancient Greece. This 19th century lift could only be operated manually by human hands as a "machine".

Today, traction lifts are raised and lowered by wire ropes or belts that run on wheels and work together with counterweights on a pulley system. Electric motors are also used to increase efficiency to help the drive system work at higher speeds.

What types of buildings are gearless machines suitable for?

Due to their AC motors and higher lifting capacity, gearless machines are ideal for many building types, but are most commonly found in high rise buildings.

Gearless machines tend to be found in low and medium rise buildings because they have a lower lifting capacity. When choosing a lift machine for a high-rise building, a gearless is the clear choice as its size and power will help the system run smoothly.

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